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My Hauntings PART TWO

Updated: Dec 1, 2019

Sorry I was out and about for Thanksgiving so I did not get to make a post for you!

I am attaching the second story from my book. It is the first haunted house I lived in. This house did terrify me in many aspects, mostly I had the worst night terror of my life in this house and that has stuck me.

I was sleeping in the basement with not a single light on. It was pitch black. I woke up paralyzied but could see a woman smack dab in my face with black hair and black holes for eyes screaming at me, but I could not move. Could not even scream. That… I don’t think I will ever forget.

Also, it was one of my father’s rental houses so before we moved in I actually helped him renovate it after the previous tenant. I was in the basement using a shovel to get adhesive off of the concrete. (They glued the pad to the concrete and it was a pain in @$$ to get it off…)

The previous tenant stopped by with her 6 or 7 year old daughter. I guess she wanted to walk through the house and see the progress we were making after she’d moved out. We said hello & she turned to me and asked, “Have you seen any ghosts yet?”

I was taken off guard and didn’t honestly know how to respond to that. I looked at her, shook my head and said, “No.”

She motioned for her daughter to speak up, and they both told me some stories. I didn’t believe any of it honestly. One was about a man that wears chains. I thought it was stupid. Like they were trying to scare me or something. Pfft.

But now I’m a believer. However, I never saw a man in chains. (I still think that story is completely stupid.)

Here is the story. Not much of a story when it’s based on truth, but here it is.

The Girl With The Wet Hair

After buying a home with her husband, Drew, pregnant Holly was elated. She was proud to have something she owned to call home. But that did not last very long.

In the middle of moving their things in, the previous owner stopped by to grab a box she had forgotten in the attic.

“So, have you noticed anything strange yet,” she had asked Holly.

Holly was confused. “What?”

“The ghosts,” she clarified.

Holly was taken aback. What the heck was she talking about? What ghosts? Holly shrugged it off, “I don’t believe in such things.”

After the lady left, Holly couldn’t shrug off the weird feeling the lady had given her. Why would she bring up such a weird thing when they just met? The lady frankly gave her the creeps.

About a month later, Holly was due for her first ultrasound. She went to her appointment and came home and did some cleaning in the kitchen. Drew was now working graveyard shifts, so she was home alone until seven in the morning.

After doing her “nesting” cleaning, she drew herself a bath. Halfway through her bath, she heard a thump behind the attic door.

Sitting up in the bath, she stared out into the hallway. But she saw nothing unusual. She chalked it up to being too tired or just the house settling. She got out of the bath and went to bed.

In her dreams, she dreamt the attic door opened and a young girl around the age of eighteen walked down the stairs and into the room. Her hair was wet, like she had been swimming or had taken a shower. She stared at Holly and watched her sleep. In the dream, Holly could see the girl watch herself sleeping.

Holly awoke halfway through the night, shaken. She turned the light on by her bed and went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. As she passed the door to the attic, she noticed it was wide open. Terrified, she ran back to her room, shut and locked her door and called her husband.

He assured her it was a nightmare, that there was nothing to worry about and that he’d be home in a few hours. Holly didn’t believe him. She kept the bedroom door locked and the light on for the remainder of the night.

The odd things in the house soon seemed like a distant memory, as a year or so had passed. The couple had their new child, a baby girl, to worry about, and nothing odd was occurring in the home.

One day, during mid-afternoon, Holly was exhausted from the long up-and-down nights with the baby and was trying to take a nap. She shut her door, placed Rose in her bassinet, and lay down on the bed.

Just as she was dosing off, there were loud bangs on her bedroom door. It was almost as if a cop was pounding down her bedroom door. She opened the door startled, but nothing greeted her but cold air. She shuttered at the feeling of stiff and freezing air for a mid-day in June.

Finding this odd, she thought the knock must have been on the front door. It just sounded like it was closer. So, she opened the front door. Nothing. She walked around the entire house wondering if someone had gone around back. Nothing.

Back in the house, she again shut her bedroom door before lying down. By now, she felt silly. She wondered if she had imagined the whole thing and drifted off to sleep.

Loud banging woke her with a start. She groggily stared around her bedroom. Her daughter was sleeping soundly. Other than some mild beams of light piercing through her curtains, there was nothing amiss. She sat up and listened. Nothing. She retired back on the bed and let herself doze off again.

Before being fully asleep, the banging returned again. It has got to be someone at the front door, she thought. The sound was so loud though! She opened her bedroom door and repeated her actions from before. Front door, no one. Walk around the house, no one. What the heck was going on!?

Back inside, she decided that if she left the bedroom door ajar, nothing could pound on it, and if something did, it would slam shut. That way, she would know if she was losing her mind. However, when the door was open, nothing happened. But when she shut the door, the knocks would transpire.

Drew arrived at home in the morning, exhausted and ready for bed. Holly tried to explain the events from the afternoon before, but he wasn’t a believer. She was frustrated. She wasn’t implying the house was haunted per-se, just hoping for some alternative answers that justified the events. But he gave her nothing.

Again, time went on and nothing happened. However, now-a-days, Holly felt anxious at home, worried something might freak her out. Nothing did, besides a few scattered nightmares.

One afternoon, after Drew’s work schedule had changed from graveyards to swing shifts, he was taking a nap with the bedroom door closed. Holly was downstairs doing laundry.

From the basement she could hear the banging and ran upstairs to investigate the cause of it. Drew stood in the doorway of their bedroom, wide-eyed and pale. “I’m blessing the house tonight,” he had stated.

Although the circumstances sucked for her husband, she was glad it had happened to him so he would finally believe her.

That evening, they burned sage and blessed the house. Since then, there has been no odd activity. They are very thankful that whatever was there has now apparently “moved on.”

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