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What Comes From a Nightmare

Updated: Dec 1, 2019

I don’t want them to read what I’m writing and say, ‘I think that’s right,’ and agree with me. I want them to read something and then walk away and be haunted by it.

— Ta-Nehisi Coates

Let The blogging Begin!

Tonight I had a terror-filled nightmare. I’ve been wandering around wondering about blogging and I guess this nightmare kicked my butt into gear.

Let me begin by explaining. I’ve lived in 2 haunted houses so far and I did not believe my current house was haunted but now I’m not so sure.

I’ve read articles where they say if you wake up in the middle of the night it is because your body is aware something is watching you and instinctively wakes you up. I thought this was a farse, a mere joke to scare people… until tonight.

The only thing that has happened in this house that I can recollect is one evening after turning off my lamp on my side of the bed, something clattered to the floor that shouldn’t have been able to fall off so easily. Nothing was next to the edge of my nightstand. Then the floor creaked. It was odd. BUT I’ve lived in 2 haunted houses and that was nothing, so I put it out of my mind.

Then I had this nightmare. Most of it is gone, I don’t remember dreams often anymore. What I do remember of it was I was watching myself sleep in my bed and a highschool friend was explaining to me why I was being haunted and I needed to wake up because the evil was watching me sleep.

I didn’t wake up immediately so she started screaming it at me. Then I woke up. I laid there in bed trying to gain my wits but I did feel like something was there and something was watching me.

In fact, I laid there for a good twenty minutes before I mustered the courage to run from under the covers and out into the hallway and downstairs.

It was 5 am. Everyone else is asleep and I had to do something to bide my time. So I started this blog. A blog I’ve mulled over in my mind for nearly a year.

I sat here doing all the customization and what not thinking to myself, can I do this? So many choices… so many things to customize. Hopefully this blog doesn’t make me look like an idiot. I truly have no idea how to do this. All I can do however, is give you my voice.

I love the paranormal. Hell, I write about it. I’ve published 4 books. All 4 are based on TRUE ghost stories. Haunted people, haunted things, haunted places. You can read them if you like (Goodreads links are below).

So as I write to you at now 7 in the morning (it took me awhile to figure out the settings… durrr) I’ve decided that this blog is about everything paranormal. Ghost stoires, dreams, hauntings, books, movies you name it.

I’m going to walk the brink of the Afterlife and bring you a wild ride. Hop in if you want to come with me. Let’s do this.

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